Regenerative Hydrosol/Toner
Regenerative Hydrosol/Toner
Regenerative Hydrosol/Toner

Regenerative Hydrosol/Toner

Regular price $30.00
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Regenerative Hydrosol is derived from the organic essential oils of rose (rose damascene), geranium, and gem-infused filtered water. The gems used to infuse the water are rose quartz, quartz, amethyst, and black Tourmaline.

Infusing water with precious gems from the earth energetically raises the vibration of the hydrosol. Gem-infused waters assist in the absorption of minerals and healing properties from essential oils and filtered water. Rose and Geranium are known to boast antibacterial and cellular regenerative properties.

Historically, rose and geranium has been used as aphrodisiacs and antidepressants. Combined with the gem-infused water, this offers a wonderful boost to mood and energy when used throughout the day.

Regenerative Hydrosol allows your skin to stay hydrated and glowing throughout the day as you can mist your face multiple times in a day. I have been known to keep a bottle on my office desk and powder room counter! It is considered an essential beauty tonic for most glo customers!


  • 4 Oz. bottle
  • Allows skin to stay hydrated
  • Rejuvenates and regenerates skin cells